This project explored capacitive sensing properties of electronic textiles. The LilyPad SimpleSnap controls the behaviour and triggers
various sounds. I developed it for a workshop, which was first conducted at Nerd Rider and included an hour-long lecture on the history
of eTextiles and critical arts projects within this realm. Participants were then introduced to programming Arduino Lilypad, and were
invited to develop their own synth T-shirt designs.


courtesy of Anna Blumenkranz

courtesy of Anna Blumenkranz


courtesy of Anna Blumenkranz

courtesy of Anna Blumenkranz

courtesy of Benno Johnson

courtesy of Benno Johnson

courtesy of Christian Schüller

courtesy of Christian Schüller

courtesy of Christian Schüller

courtesy of Christian Schüller

courtesy of Benno Johnson

courtesy of Benno Johnson

courtesy of FormatD

courtesy of Benno Johnson